RLS -Islamic Spain

Islamic Spain


by - Md Salman Shad

"Oh my soldiers, whither would you run? Beyond you are the waves of the ocean, before you, the enemy. You have left now only the hope of your bravery and your fidelity. Remember that in this nation you are more hapless than the orphan seated at the bench of the grasping master.” ~Tariq ibn Ziyad Islam in Spain (711- 1492) Islamic Spain was a diverse mix of three religions: Muslims, Jews, Christians. The influence of Islam in Iberian Peninsula firmly affected the culture,religion,family and society of Spain. Many cities rose during muslim rule with Cordoba as an economic and cultural center in the Mediterranean. Architecture reached a golden age due to the construction of various luxurious palaces and mosques. The conquest In 711, a suppressed Christian chief, Julian met Musa ibn Nusair, the ruler of North Africa, for help against cruel Visigoth leader of Spain, Roderick. Musa sent troops of Berber and Arab Muslim army of 7000 under the leadership of young general Tariq ibn Ziyad. On april 30,711 Tariq landed at strait of Gibraltar with his troops.The word Gibraltar is taken from Jabal al Tariq (rock of Tariq),place named after muslim army landed. Tariq defeated Roderick in the battle of Guadalete. After the victory, the Muslims conquered the rest of the peninsula easily by 720.They called the country “Al-Andalus.” Muslims of Spain were called Moors, signifying the Muslim inhabitants of Iberian Peninsula. The Golden Age With Muslim rule over Spain for approximately 800 years, they made remarkable contributions to geographical culture and the Spanish culture of today. The Muslim period was described as a ‘golden age’ of Spain where libraries, colleges, public baths were built and literature, poetry and architecture developed. The whole praise goes to Amir Abd al -Rahman who founded the Emirate of Cordoba and combined the different Muslim groups of Spain. Architectures during Muslim Spain Islamic architecture and art are the most important masterpieces of Spain. Many monuments in Spain are one of Europe's finest assemblages of Islamic art & architecture. ● The Alhambra palace - The Alhambra Palace is the best example of medieval Islamic architecture in the world. The founder of the Alhambra, Muhammad I (1238-1273), built few elements for the Alhambra, later by Muhammad II, Yusuf and Muhammad IV made it more beautiful. Alhambra displays traditional Islamic detail including geometric pattern, Arabic inscriptions. Alcazaba is the oldest part of the fortress. Generalife garden is also one of the finest gardens inside the Alhambra. ● Great Mosque of Cordoba - It is also called ‘ Mosque - Cathedral of Cordoba .’ It was built by Abd ar-Rahman I in 784 - 786. Mosque was converted into Christian cathedral during the 13th century. It was extended in the 9th and 10th century , consisting of some 850 pillars and a glorious roof made up of white marble which is curved like a shell. ● The Alcazar of Seville - The Alcazar is the oldest Islamic palace in Spain. In the 12 century, the Muslims created the Patio del Yeso inside the Alcazar. Independent sections of Alcazar of Seville like the courtyard of the Maidens or the Chapel depict the classical styles and taste of a distinct era. The Ambassador’s hall is another designed place inside Alcazar with a magnificent dome covered with numerous golden stars. Decline of Islamic Spain The fall of Muslim Spain was not only due to the hostility of Christian states from the north but also due to the conflicts between Muslim leaders. When Umayyad was defeated by Abbasids, Muslims of Spain did not accept Abbasids as leaders of Muslim world. Toledo was the first great Islamic center fall to Christianity in 1085. In 1086, Muslims under the African general Yusuf bin Tashfin defeated the emerging Christians. After the death of Yusuf in 1106, internal conflicts ended the Muslim rule in Spain. On 2nd Jan, 1492, Abdallah Muhammad bin Ali, known as Boabdil, the last Muslim leader of Granada handed the keys of Alhambra to Catholic monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. Muslims finally lost all power & prosperity in Spain. Reference 1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mosque-Cathedral-of-Cordoba 2. https://theconversation.com/these-are-the-keys-of-this-paradise-how-700-years-of-muslim-rule-in-spain-came-to-an-end-78359 3. https://www.nationalgeographic.com 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/history/spain_1.shtml

Md Salman Shad

My name is Md Salman Shad from Bhagalpur,Bihar. Persuing B.A. Spanish from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
