Raleigh Literary Society, AMU



About Us

About the Society —
The Raleigh Literary Society is one of the oldest societies not only in the Aligarh Muslim University but the entirety of the country. Its namesake, Sir Walter Raleigh, was the first professor of English at AMU (then the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College) from 1885 to 1887. He later went on to hold the first Chair of English Literature at the literature and performance alive, the Raleigh Literary Society is one of the most active and lively societies on campus and regularly organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to paper presentations, literary competitions, open mic sessions, debates and speeches, stage plays, etc. The gratuitous variety of activities and events means each year, the Raleigh Literary society both produces as well as hones a diverse array of talent in the student body, from literary and creative artistry to oratory talent to performative flair, to name just a few.

Vision —
Ever since its inception, the Raleigh Literary Society has functioned as an active part of the Department of English, AMU, and has aimed to not only preserve the spirit of literature and performance but also to give it a conducive environment to flourish. The core idea of the society is to provide an advantageous space for creative-minded individuals to display and hone their talents, provide them with positive exposure, and create opportunities for imaginative and creative minds to connect and exchange ideas. Going forward, the Raleigh Literary Society aims to make its operations and functioning even more inclusive and participation-friendly, making it possible for students to forge connections and relationships not only at intra university and inter university levels but also on an interdisciplinary footing.

Functioning of the Society — The executive body of the society consists of the Secretary and Joint Secretary as well as equal representation from English Literature and Communicative English courses, both from the undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Membership of the society is open to all students in the Department of English, AMU. The members of the society are divided into different committees that all have their dedicated functions. This includes the Public Relations Committee, the Event Management Committee, and the Decoration Committee.
i) The Public Relations Committee: Responsible for all media relations, content development, and social media management, the PR Committee is the first point of contact between the society and its audience and the rest of the institution. Led by M.A. 1st year students Sidrah Noor, Sharmien Ajmal, and Tuhel Ahmed, and consisting of Nahmat Mairaj, Yasir Affan, and Sahil Khan, among others, all publicity and media-related decisions and ideas are handled by this team.
ii) Event Management Committee: Headed by M.A. 1st year Mohammad Bilal and M.A. 2nd year Aatika Hussain, the on-ground work at the time of the actual events is handled by the Event Management Committee. Their work includes (but isn’t limited to) logistical aspects, record-keeping, transportation, planning and coordinating with and among different teams, etc. Members of the team include Shahnawaz Sultan, Ehtesham Gul Khan, Faisal Sajad, and others.
iii) Decoration Committee: Handling one of the most important aspects of any event, the Decoration Committee sets the appropriate mood and handles all of the decoration duties, including arranging for hands-on-deck, supplies, etc. The Decor Committee is headed by M.A. 2nd year Alina Hadi.
