Have something you would like to see published? We would love to feature your work on our website! If you’d like to see your name published alongside your write-up on our website, fill out the ‘Submit Your Work’ form below.
Write-ups get published on the website annually. However, entries remain open throughout the year — if deemed on par with our publication standards by the editorial board, they might be published outside of the specified timeline as well.
For queries, contact us at raleighls.amu@gmail.com.
i) Word limit: 500-1200 words. |
i) Word limit: 200-1000 words for short stories; 1000-2500 words for long stories. |
i) Word limit: Open to Imagination. |
ii) Suggested themes include (but are not limited to):
ii) Suggested themes include (but are not limited to):
ii) Suggested themes include (but are not limited to):
iii) Suggested formats include (but are not limited to):